Living with Diabetes

Living with diabetes

Diabetes can be managed successfully with expert medical care, such that the patient lives a long healthy life despite the ailment. The four cardinal areas for proper management of diabetes include –

  • Exercise -Improves the ability of cells to assimilate glucose, thereby assisting the body to use insulin more efficiently. It also helps to reduce the chances of obesity which is one of the risk factors for diabetes.
  • Diet– Persons living with diabetes are encouraged to eat a diet of less starchy foods, more vegetables, and fruits.
  • Drug therapy – must be instituted and monitored by a healthcare professional.
  • Regular glucose level checks – ensures that glucose level does not rise to a point that may cause complications.
Management of diabetes

 At Paxs Pharmacy, our pharmacists are always on hand to educate patients on the prognosis, pathogenesis and complications of the disease. They will also assist the patient with an effective management plan for the disease to ensure a balanced coordination of exercise, medications and diet.

To help patients monitor their glucose levels regularly, it is advised that they acquire a blood glucose meter or visit our pharmacy for a test. 

Some Medications You Consume Can Compound Your Existing Ailments

Certain ailments like asthma, diabetes, high blood pressure and the likes require close monitoring by your healthcare provider. If you are suffering from a specific illness, you do not need to take medications just because you feel like it or because someone says you should.

In fact, no matter the situation, before you take any medicine, confer with your pharmacist or use doctor’s prescription. Some medications interact with existing health conditions to cause more harm than good to the body.

Learn to take better care of yourself for life is too precious.