World Cancer Day 2021

World Cancer Day 2021 theme

Why is there a need to mark world cancer day?

World cancer day is not just for people suffering from one form of cancer or the other. There is a need for caregivers, relatives, friends, communities, organizations, and just about everyone, to work together to reduce the menace of cancer and let those struggling with the ailment know that they are not alone.

Also, there is a need to raise awareness about cancer to support the prevention, detection, and treatment of the disease. Knowledge is power, and with early detection, there is a higher chance of effective treatment. In raising awareness through World Cancer Day, the incidences of stigmatization can be significantly reduced. Open discussions about cancer can reduce the fear and myths surrounding it while also creating community support for those battling with the ailment.

In this part of the world, a lot of people associate cancer with death but fortunately cancer is not a death sentence. Many people have survived cancer, mostly thanks to early detection. There is so much fear and uncertainty associated with cancer, and rightly so. Even though the incidence rate is higher in developed countries, the mortality rate is higher in developing countries. This is as a result of late detection, lack of adequate health facilities/inaccessibility of treatment facilities, lack of proper information, and poverty.However, experts suggest that about one-third of common cancers are preventable and treatable.

Types of cancer

Types of cancer

There are over 200 types of cancer known to man Some of the common ones include –

  • Breast cancer
  • Cervical cancer
  • Prostate cancer
  • Skin cancer
  • Lung cancer
  • Colorectal cancer

Less common cancers include –

  • Brain cancer
  • Ovarian cancer
  • Leukemia
  • Stomach cancer

Risk factors of cancer
Even though it is difficult to understand why Mr. A will have cancer while Mr. B will not certain risk factors are likely to increase one’s chances of having cancer. Some of the risk factors include –

  • Exposure to harmful chemicals
  • Age
  • Family history
  • Alcohol
  • Tobacco
  • Sunlight
  • Radiation
  • Obesity
  • Hormones
  • Diet
  • Chronic inflammation

Cancer prevention
Cancer prevention is not always a hundred percent achievable, but some lifestyle changes can help.
To a large extent, eliminating or limiting some of the avoidable risk factors such as exposure to harmful chemicals, radiation, sun, reduction of alcohol and tobacco intake, weight management, and change in diet are vital.

Other ways to prevent cancer include –
Vaccination against viral infections can decrease the chances of certain cancers like Hepatitis B and Human papillomavirus (HPV).
Practicing safe sex
Non-sharing of sharp objects which may result in HIV, Hepatitis B, and C and predispose one to cancer.
Living an active life and exercising regularly.
Regular medical check-ups, self-examination, and screening.

Cancer treatment

Cancer treatment options

Treatment of cancer can occur as a shrinkage of cancer, or halting the progression of cancer using surgery, medication, or radiation. These treatments vary depending on the type of cancer in question and the situation.
An oncologist may recommend:
Bone marrow transplant
Immunotherapy, et cetera

In any case, the oncologist is in the best position to decide the best treatment option.

Symptoms of cancer
Though the symptoms of cancer are varied just as there are various types of cancer, some symptoms are general to most cancers. Unfortunately, most of these symptoms can be overlooked as they present as everyday health issues.

  • Change in bowel or bladder habit
  • Unexplained weight loss
  • Blood in the stool
  • Breast lump or breast discharge
  • Lumps in the testicles
  • Constant fever
  • Unexplained anemia
  • Persistent cough
  • Constant, unexplained fatigue
  • Skin changes, et cetera.

Although cancer occurrence is sometimes inexplicable, lifestyle changes, healthy living, and constant tests can help reduce the risk of contracting cancer. Cancer will not disappear from the earth because one refuses to discuss it or ignore its existence or signs. It is best to be equipped with the necessary knowledge and always consult your doctor or pharmacist regularly, especially when some of these symptoms are present.

If these symptoms persist, please consult your doctor.